Finance and Investment Committee

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Purpose of the Finance and Investment Committee:

The Finance and Investment Committee is a non-statutory executive Committee of the Board.  The Committee is accountable to the Board of the ICB and is authorised by the Board to investigate any activity within its terms of reference and to seek the information required to do so, commission any reports it deems necessary to help fulfil its obligations and obtain legal or other independent professional advice and secure the attendance of advisors with relevant expertise if it considers this is necessary to fulfil its functions. 

The purpose of the committee is to contribute to the overall delivery of the ICB objectives by providing oversight and assurance to the Board in the development and delivery of a robust, viable and sustainable system financial plan.  This includes:

  • Financial performance of the ICB
  • Financial performance of NHS organisations within the ICB footprint.

Committee meetings during 2024/25 will be held in private on the following dates:

Friday 24 May 2024

Friday 6 September 2024

Friday 11 November 2024

Friday 28 February 2025